John Deere Collaborates with Customers to Upgrade GSeries Five smallframe GSeries skid steers and compact track loaders have gotten the upgrade treatment after three years on the market The 312GR, 314G, 316 GR, 317G, and 318G models now provide operators with enhanced power and efficiency for increased productivityCAB w/AC, High Flow hydraulics, 3year warranty, 285% for 60months EH joystick controls w/performance package, hydraulic quick attach, air ride seat, backup camera, reversing fan, deluxe light package, engine precleaner, 100hp, 3,700lb rated operating capacity, shipping available, territory restrictions may apply, call or email for more informationWatch and learn basic machine operational safety tips Learn more about the complete suite of operator training solutions at http//wwwJohnDeerecom/OT Des John Deere 333g Hutson Inc John deere g series compact track loader